Natural Remedies contains 212 articles
Aluminum Free Deodorant = A Prudent [VERY Prudent] Choice
Categories: Natural Remedies

An aluminum free deodorant is a very, VERY wise choice. In the last few years, we ordinary, non-chemist, nothing-to-gain-financially types have become very aware of the potential dangers of aluminum in our bodies. There has been a lot of talk about a relationship between aluminum and Alzheimers, although that speculation has been under heavy attack […]

Choose High Energy Food And Forget The Caffeine!
Categories: Natural Remedies

Just about everyone needs a boost of energy from time to time. But consider this — reaching for that shot of caffeine isn’t necessarily your best choice, so sorry, but if you choose high energy food you will be healthier and more energetic. In fact, we know ways to naturally boost your energy when ‘tired’ […]

Flu Drugs & Flu Medications Are 99% Ineffective
Categories: Natural Remedies

An earlier post on this blog recommended against getting a flu shot and that recommendation against flu medications is apparently justified. The hands-down leader among flu drugs in the US is Tamflu and almost all flu this season is resistant to Tamiflu. According to the CDC in Atlanta, last winter 11% of the flu swabs […]

Cayce Castor Oil Packs Definitely A Congestion Remedy
Categories: Natural Remedies

Many years ago I read about the famous Edgar Cayce castor oil pack. At the time I was suffering from a cold and cough and all their hideous little cousins and the darned stuff just wouldn’t go away. So I figured I didn’t have much to lose. Since we’ve now entered the famous cold & […]

Varicose And Spider Veins Treatment
Categories: Natural Remedies

A spider veins treatment is of intense interest to many women. Spider veins and varicose veins (often misspelled as vericose veins) are – sort of – the same thing. Both kinds of veins can be enlarged and are usually purple or blue. If you’ve ever seen bulging cords, you will know what they look like […]

A Cold Sores Treatment That Works?
Categories: Natural Remedies

I am one of those exceedingly lucky folks who doesn’t need any cold sores treatment, simply because I don’t get cold sores! If you’re one of the zillions of sufferers, I will make you hate me even more by telling you that I’ve never had a single one of the darned things … but before […]

10 Eco-Friendly Beauty Tips
Categories: Natural Remedies

Everybody today – and yes, the guys, too – wants to look good and have great skin as long as possible and that calls for serious skin care. But while we're always interested in beauty tips it's also important to honor eco-friendly living as well. How can we look great and not harm our beautiful […]

The Fountain Of Youth: Mythology Or Fact?
Categories: Health, Natural Remedies

Every culture has its stories of a mystical fountain of youth that confers lifelong youth and vitality upon the lucky ones who find it. Some legends include immortality or even returning the dead to life. In our culture, of course, Juan Ponce de Leon supposedly set out in search of this fabled pool or spring. […]

Essential Aromatherapy Benefits Depend On (Duh!) Quality Aromatherapy Oils
Categories: Natural Remedies

A decade or two ago, no one outside of those ‘weird New Agers’ had even heard of essential aromatherapy and its many benefits. But today, you can even find aromatherapy products in ‘establishment’ stores and offices. But make no mistake – reaping the benefits requires high quality aromatherapy oils, not the cheap kinds of junk […]

6 Home Remedies To Lighten Hair Naturally
Categories: Natural Remedies

If you are someone who gets sick of your hair color — and who doesn’t, from time to time? — there is great news … there are several home remedies to lighten hair naturally. This is especially true if your hair is a dirty blonde or a lighter brown. Whether you want hair highlights or […]