Health contains 653 articles
The Myths Of Spot Reduction, Starvation Diets & Cardio Programs
Categories: Weight Loss

If you have read through health magazines routinely, you have definitely seen many tips for weight loss. Many of these so-called tips are misinformation, wishful thinking or promotion, like the value of spot reduction, starvation diets and cardio programs as weight loss miracle. Tips that won’t work are the ones that offer fad diet, pills […]

Safe Diets
Categories: Weight Loss

We’ve talked a lot about popular fad diets on this blog, but what about SAFE diets? Safe diets aren’t really a major topic of conversation in 21st century America – but diets are. Unfortunately, the ‘safe’ part is mostly overlooked. These days, we have much more information about the proper way to take care of […]

Enjoy A Glorious Labor Day
Categories: Natural Remedies

Labor Day is the psychological start of autumn, even though the official calendar date is September 22. I always feel wonderful this time of year since fall is my favorite season. I love and adore cool nights; gorgeous gold, red and yellow leaves; the smoky smell in the air; the anticipation of wonderful Halloween – […]

An Exercise Plan To Lose Weight: Best Ways To Exercise To Dump The Extra Pounds
Categories: Weight Loss

I am very interested the the ‘best’ exercise plan to lose weight. Clearly, there are ways to exercise that lead to more fat bunring than others. Having said that, though, it’s important to know that I don’t have the "final" answer. You can pick up books everywhere that claims that their way is not only […]

Choose Natural Liquid Vitamins And Minerals
Categories: Natural Remedies

Many people (like me!) are starting to wonder whether natural liquid vitamins and minerals just might not be far superior to tablets. Apparently, a percentage of the tablet-type is lost through excretion. It seems logical that the human body might more readily absorb a liquid vitamin & mineral supplement and thus it would be more […]

Repair A Vitamin B12 Deficiency With Sublingual Vitamin B12
Categories: Natural Remedies

The B12 vitamin is merely one of the most crucial B vitamins that are required to preserve a fit and strong body and brain and a B12 deficiency is no joke. We prefer the sublingual vitamin B12 because of its potency. Sublingual means beneath the tongue and you will never need to be concerned about […]

Red Bull Drink: Do Energy Drink Ingredients Cause Heart Problems?
Categories: Health

The Red Bull drink has been under fire recently. A popular energy beverage that sells 1.6 billion cans worldwide, has increased the risk of heart attack according to an Australian study. The energy drink ingredients are the culprit, naturally. A study of university students between the ages of 20 and 24 years old found that […]

The Health Benefits Of Ginger
Categories: Natural Remedies

The health benefits of ginger are not only numerous, but ginger roots have been used to heal for hundreds of years. The ginger herb acts as as a support system and is widely known for its the capability to lessen the severity of common colds and headaches. One of the most widely known benefits of […]

The Treadmill: A Comparison To Outdoor Running
Categories: Health

There’s absolutely no doubt that if you want to burn a lot of calories, you can do it efficiently with a treadmill. Yet before you head out to the fitness machine store, consider a treadmill comparison to outdoor running or jogging. This is a matter of personal choice: for instance, my son uses a treadmill […]

Mandatory Vaccination Risks Ruled Unconstitutional By Court
Categories: Health

Concerned about vaccination risks? Me, too and currently the swine flu shot is a real cause for concern, IMO. Good news, though, from a press release on August 12 of this year: opponents of the forced flu vaccination won an injunction against the federal government to stop these. Notice this comment from the press release: […]