Health contains 653 articles
Detox Diets: Junk Science And Asinine Arguments
Categories: Health

Recently the BBC announced that detox diets are "useless" and your organs are perfectly able to cleanse the body without any active outside help. [] Junk Science & Cleansing Your Body I am referring to the BBC "study" as junk science, but actually there wasn't much science to it at all. The human guinea pigs […]

Flu Drugs & Flu Medications Are 99% Ineffective
Categories: Natural Remedies

An earlier post on this blog recommended against getting a flu shot and that recommendation against flu medications is apparently justified. The hands-down leader among flu drugs in the US is Tamflu and almost all flu this season is resistant to Tamiflu. According to the CDC in Atlanta, last winter 11% of the flu swabs […]

Cardinals: Bird Watching Emissaries Of Peak Experiences
Categories: Health

One of our peak experiences brought on by nature involves bird watching. Among our very favorites are cardinal birds, pictured left. In the wild, often the most beautiful and most vividly colored birds are males. Scientists hypothesize that their job is to attract predators and lead them away from the nest. The fine fellow on […]

A Simple Cough Cure?
Categories: Health

I found this interesting cough cure online yesterday. I have no clue if it works – and I REALLY don't want a cough so that I can test it!!! :-) – but if anyone out there does have a cough, give it a try and let the rest of us know. Thanks in advance … […]

Cayce Castor Oil Packs Definitely A Congestion Remedy
Categories: Natural Remedies

Many years ago I read about the famous Edgar Cayce castor oil pack. At the time I was suffering from a cold and cough and all their hideous little cousins and the darned stuff just wouldn’t go away. So I figured I didn’t have much to lose. Since we’ve now entered the famous cold & […]

Merry Christmas Sisters & Brothers
Categories: Health

Merry Christmas, sisters and brothers of the world. Regardless of whether you’re a Christian or not, the point of this day is to celebrate the Christ within all of us. You can call that that inward Being Christ, God, Allah, the Great Spirit – or Fred and Ethel. The name is totally irrelevant. However, that […]

Living Foods: History of the Raw Foods Diet
Categories: Health

Nothing we can ever ingest is better for our bodies than living foods. This makes perfect sense because the basic unit of the body – the cell – is alive and needs the energy and life force from living, raw food. When our food is cooked to death [literally!] then how can our cells gain […]

Gourmet Coffees Anyone?
Categories: Health

I’m beginning a serious detox right after Christmas, so I figure I might as well enjoy my gourmet coffees for the next couple of weeks. Starbucks gourmet coffee, that is. In fact, I have a gold card I’m such a fanatic. But I’m not going to kid myself about coffee and its health benefits (ha!) […]

Aerobic Step Equipment = ENERGY!
Categories: Health

If you’ve finally, FINALLY decided that it’s time to get in shape – and more importantly, get some ENERGY – then you should think about purchasing your own aerobic step equipment to use at home. There’s more than one reason for buying your own home machine and the first is that you can work out […]

Varicose And Spider Veins Treatment
Categories: Natural Remedies

A spider veins treatment is of intense interest to many women. Spider veins and varicose veins (often misspelled as vericose veins) are – sort of – the same thing. Both kinds of veins can be enlarged and are usually purple or blue. If you’ve ever seen bulging cords, you will know what they look like […]