Weight Loss contains 123 articles
Stop! Do You Really Want to Put That in Your Mouth?
Categories: Weight Loss

Are you a stress eater? Do you have the tendency to binge when you’re under a lot of pressure or feeling sad? If eating comforts you, you may not be aware that you are binging on food already when you’re stressed out. Every time you feel the need to be comforted, your subconscious mind immediately […]

The Apple Fruit Fast – A Natural and Effective Way to Lose Weight
Categories: Weight Loss

Not many people know that apples are amazing fruits that can provide simple and natural ways to fast. In the “apple fruit fast” method, you observe fasting making use of one type of fruit – apples. This is a cleansing method for your gastrointestinal system as well, and is an effective weight loss program. So […]

Avoid These 3 Mistakes If You Want To Lose Weight Fast
Categories: Weight Loss

Losing weight is not a hard task. In fact, losing weight is actually a very simple process. Despite this, many people follow ridiculous ‘fad’ diets and buy bogus weight loss supplements all with the hope that they will shed body fat quickly. These are just a few of the mistakes many people make on a […]

The Water Diet
Categories: Weight Loss

The average person uses two to three quarts of water for basic bodily functions like temperature control, metabolizing food, and maintaining health in their joints, muscles and organs. Unfortunately, most people don't get enough water to replenish their bodies and keep them hydrated. On average, people need 8-12 glasses of water a day, and even […]

5 Practical Ways To Lose Weight Naturally
Categories: Weight Loss

So many people continue to be frustrated because they spend so much time on their diet pills and programs, but they only end up with despair and tears during the process. Most of these people don't lose fat at all. What they lose is money they spent on all the latest fad diets on the […]

4 Weight Loss Myths Uncovered
Categories: Weight Loss

When it comes to dieting and weight loss, there are as many plans, pills, liquids and devices as there are people who want to lose weight. Most dieters will tell you they have tried everything on the market and are sure this latest one will work. The truth of the matter is the only way […]

Do Household Chores Help Me Lose Weight?
Categories: Weight Loss

Good news for those of you who dread stepping into the gym for fear of being put off by super-slim gym regulars or of the massive fees some of them charge for membership. You can shed weight in the confines of your home as you make the most of the calorie-burning opportunities presented by mundane […]

Weird Celebrity Fitness Tricks
Categories: Weight Loss

Who doesn’t want a celebrity waistline? Fashion magazines are chock full of extreme Hollywood diets and fitness regimes. It’s a mad religion out there, with women across the world attempting to avoid all manner of dieting sins. It seems like everyone and their mother is trying to get a flawless body. Looking at the celebs, […]

Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight
Categories: Weight Loss

If you are finding losing weight difficult or are stuck you may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts without realizing it and that's why you can't lose weight. This is likely to come as a shock to you- losing weight is very important to you so why on earth would you want to ruin your […]

Are Fad Diets Bad For You?: 3 Risks From A Fad Diet
Categories: Weight Loss

Many dieters are tempted by the hundreds of fad diets available as they see these as a way of shedding their excess weight as quickly as possible. Weight loss can seem such a slow business so anything that promises to get the pounds off fast with seemingly little effort can be very appealing. However, these […]