Mixed Bag contains 414 articles
How To Fall Asleep Fast Without Swallowing Ineffective Sleeping Pills
Categories: Mixed Bag

Did you know that sleep disorders have reached epidemic proportions in America? Why? It’s anybody’s guess. Perhaps it is due to the fast-paced and hectic modern lifestyle we endure. Maybe it is because of the steroid-laced foods we constantly consume. It may even be attributed to the invention of electricity, which has drastically interrupted our […]

Insomnia Remedies Prove Sleep Is The Best Medicine
Categories: Mixed Bag

Some people say laughter is the best medicine, but in reality, sleep is by far the best medicine. This is why insomnia remedies are critical to the 70 million Americans who suffer from a lack of sleep. People who can sleep properly each night are often unaware of how necessary sleep is for one’s overall […]

8 Beauty Treatments That Can Make You Gorgeous – Or Sick!
Categories: Mixed Bag

When it comes to beauty treatments, humans sometimes show … questionable … judgment. Some of the most famous ‘beauty’ treatments in history involve such delicacies as turtle dung, ground up beetles and cow urine. The eight beauty ‘secrets’ below aren’t that bad, but some are quite dangerous, while others just might make you feel gorgeous […]

Why Over The Counter Sleep Aids Are A Genuine Hazard!
Categories: Mixed Bag

Each year, more and more Americans are suffering from long-term insomnia. People become desperate to get a good night’s sleep. Many of them will end up trying to cure their insomnia with over-the-counter sleep aids. But these OTC sleep aids are not harmless little pills as many believe. What most people do not realize is […]

Natural Hair Growth, Part 1
Categories: Mixed Bag

Natural hair growth is a subject of great concern to many people. Those with a full head of hair may snicker at those who are anxiously glancing in mirrors and trying ever remedy under the sun, but hair growth treatment is a multi billion dollar business – yep, that’s a “B” – and no joke […]

Success & Luck: How To Change Your Luck
Categories: Mixed Bag

Do you feel that success and luck evade you, no matter what you do? Would you desperately like to change your luck? Well, this fascinating article from Richard Wiseman just might shed some light on these age-old questions. = = = = = = = I set out to examine luck, 10 years ago. Why […]

Win Wenger A Superhero On Brain Management
Categories: Mixed Bag

I am a huge fan of Win Wenger and if you’re interested in brain management, he’s always got some interesting ideas. Here’s one of his great ideas for managing brain fog. Know what I mean? It feels like you’re walking around in a … well, a fog. Your brain is dull, listless, confused. You can’t […]

Lunesta Withdrawal: The Dirty Secret Sepracor Doesn’t Want You To Know
Categories: Mixed Bag

I received an agitated phone call early one morning from my good friend, Karen, who was attempting Lunesta withdrawal on her own. Desperate to sleep, Karen allowed herself to be persuaded to take Lunesta sleeping pills, hoping for a miracle. After only two weeks, she realized that Lunesta was not for her, primarily because she […]

Look Younger? No, BE Younger!
Categories: Mixed Bag

If you want to look younger what is the best way to do it? According to Stephen Cherniske, forget the “antiaging product” and transform your body and life. According to Cherniske, our bodies constantly dance between two forces: anabolic metabolism and catabolic metabolism. <Anabolic means repair, renew, rebuild. Catabolic means disintegration, degeneration. Cherniske says simple […]

Bean Soups For Our Snow Day Tomorrow?
Categories: Mixed Bag

According to the Weather Bureau we might have up to 4″ of snow here in Hotlanta tomorrow. If you’ve never been in the steamy, sultry south you might not appreciate how unusual that is or how much fun a snow day is here. When it’s wintry outside our thoughts turn to soup – especially my […]