feet contains 2 articles
Yoga Toes: Yoga Stretching for Your Feet
Categories: Mixed Bag

I do yoga and I have trouble with my toes (don’t most people?) so I am very interested in Yoga Toes. Steve Dub has written a really nice review of these interesting little “toe-fixers”. Perhaps Yoga Toes are the antidote to shoes that squish our feet into unnatural positions. Lots of people know just how […]

Talking Feet: Reflexology Maps
Categories: Natural Remedies

Talking Feet: Reflexology Maps Your feet are storytellers. As a Reflexologist, I can tell so much about you by observing your feet for lines, creases, and markings. Let’s discover some of this foot-chatter. Are your feet cold? Cold feet relate to stress you are dealing with – financial, relationship, work, and empty-nest syndrome. Sometimes your […]