healthy weight loss contains 5 articles
3 Weight Loss Tips For Woman Or Men On Their Way To Buy Food
Categories: Weight Loss

Although it’s true that most people fail at losing weight, it’s also true that a great number of men and women have succeeded at reducing their weight. Why do some win and some lose? Well, one thing is for sure: weight loss begins and ends with the food available in your home (and office, and […]

Fast Healthy Weight Loss: Day Four
Categories: Weight Loss

My fast and healthy weight loss day started just fine, for a change. This morning I drank my chocolate cherry wonder drink. Yum and Yum. This was a wonderful morning for two reasons: I didn’t go through my usual torture about going to the QT (see Day 1). I like my new drink so much […]

Fast Healthy Weight Loss: Day Three
Categories: Weight Loss

Yes, I went through my morning torture craving (see Day 1) and wanted my forbidden frozen cappuccino. At one point I just decided, "The hell with it!" and started on my way to QT. For some unknown reason, though, I was able to stop and turn around and came home. I felt really angry and […]

Fast Healthy Weight Loss: Day Two
Categories: Weight Loss

My fast healthy weight loss, Day 2, began as pure torture! I said I wouldn’t have my morning drink (see Day 1) but I almost caved. I know that it’s important to keep a part of my morning ritual so I got in my car and drove to my business mail box to check the […]

Fast Healthy Weight Loss: Day One
Categories: Weight Loss

Today I began a one-week experiment to see if there is truly a fast healthy weight loss method? Yes, there’s fast – and yes, there’s healthy – but can we combine the two? I don’t know. But I am committing one week to the Eat To Live diet by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Dr. Fuhrman asks […]