contains 17 articles
Siamese-Style Spinach Summer Salad
Categories: Recipes-Food

Autumn is almost upon us, but it's still summer and Katy, our guest author today, has offered us a delicious salad recipe that you won't want to miss. I know from bitter personal experience that sourcing out a satisfying summer lunch can sometimes be tricky if you’re trying to stay healthy and avoid carb-overload. Low-fat […]

Do You Wish to Stop Smoking? Consider These Reliable Tips!
Categories: Health

Smoking is not only a nasty habit, but it destroys your health and wallet as well. But, quitting is hell on earth – at least, that’s what smokers say. Here is an article from a guest author that just might help anyone trapped in this awful habit. Smoking is a habit that does you no […]

4 Healthy Breakfast Ideas
Categories: Recipes-Food

My father always ate breakfast. Always. And it was always the same: bacon, fried eggs and white bread toast, washed down with a gallon or two of coffee. Many people today would shudder at such a meal but many of those same people have ideas about what’s “right” for breakfast. I eat anything I want […]

Start Swingin’! A Boxing Workout to Excite the Body
Categories: Mixed Bag

I was very curious when I first heard about boxing as a fitness discipline. I think about two sweaty guys punching each other in a ring, but obviously my knowledge needs some updating. The first sentence of the intriguing article below says it all. Fact: The next best thing to being a professional boxer is […]

Find a Bargain Online
Categories: Money

Most of us want to know how to save money – but we don't want "cheap" stuff. So how do we accomplish both goals? Today's guest author has some great thoughts on that very subject. The Internet has changed the way most people shop. Millions of transactions take place online each and every day. And, […]

Handling Issues: The New Definition of Family
Categories: Mixed Bag

Our guest author today writes a thought-provoking article about the structure of a family. We generally think about family as Mom + Dad + kids, including those blood relations, but the frequency of divorce has made fundamental changes in the modern family. It’s not as if the definition of family has changed. But, the structure […]

Healing Graves Disease – I Hope!
Categories: Health

For at least a year and a half, possibly longer, I’ve had Graves’ disease, also known as hyperthyroidism. And I have a very serious case that has made me extremely sick. With this illness, the thyroid goes crazy and pumps out huge quantities of hormones, sending them throughout the entire body. In other words, we […]