thinning hair contains 2 articles
How To Grow Hair, Part I: Rogaine Dangers
Categories: Beauty

Lots of folks these days are desperate about their thinning hair and look everywhere for solutions. Thin hair, or even balding, is no joke to some people – actually to most people – and especially women. After all, guys can be studly with a shaven head. Women, not so much. Since we’re often desperate to […]

Stop Losing Hair: Vitamins & Thinning Hair
Categories: Natural Remedies

If you want to stop losing hair – or even reverse hair loss, be aware of the relationship between vitamins and thinning hair. Or, more accurately, lack of vitamins and lack of hair. Vitamin B Deficiencies Baldness and thinning hair can be caused by an insufficiency of B vitamins. Niacin, also known as vitamin B3 […]