contains 16 articles
Termite Control: How To Protect Your Home From These Darned Insects
Categories: Mixed Bag

There's a local joke in my area that an adult termite tells a young termite, "If you're a good termite, when you die you go to Atlanta!" The picture at left shows the "sentinels" that surround our house and they are checked four times a year to ensure that termites don't start chewing on my […]

Snorers Earn Less Income
Categories: Mixed Bag

Snoring can be a serious condition and even if you don’t snore yourself, you just might be driven stark raving NUTS by your spouse or roommate who does. Jonathan, our guest author today, states that snorers actually earn less money than those who are quiet sleepers. Do you live with a snorer? Are you a […]

Abraham Hicks Provides Missing Piece of Law of Attraction
Categories: Self Help

Abraham Hicks refers to Esther Hicks and her teachings from the entity known as Abraham. Esther is a famous teacher who has impacted the lives of tens of thousands of people – including mine. In fact, this writing is about a way she has changed my life by making it so much easier. When I […]

The Law of Attraction & How To Change Your Life
Categories: Self Help

In an earlier article we described how Napoleon Hill met one of the most successful and wealthy men of the 20th century, Andrew Carnegie. The two men spent three days discussing “The Secret” to which Carnegie attributed his almost unbelievable success. Carnegie explained that everything about business was an aspect of this one, all-important “secret”. […]

The Law Of Attraction: A Philosophy To Deal With Addiction
Categories: Self Help

The Law of Attraction exploded in the popular mindset with the release of the movie "The Secret". But as today’s guest author rightly states, there is nothing new about this knowledge. What is new, though, is the increasingly widespread use of this natural Law to deal with life-destroying habits like alcohol and drug addiction. A […]

Napoleon Hill, Carnegie’s Secret & The Law of Attraction
Categories: Self Help

Napoleon Hill is famous for being the author of Think and Grow Rich, the most famous self-help prosperity book ever written. What is less well known is that in 1928 Hill published an eight volume set called The Law of Success. In 1937, Hill released a revised version which became Think and Grow Rich. Yes, […]