contains 25 articles
Top 5 Psychological Disorders That We Dread
Categories: Mixed Bag

When you think about health, most of the time you find that you will only consider the physical aspect of it. In fact, many people believe that true health involves avoiding all physical issues. Holistic health actually affects many other areas and one of the areas that are commonly ignored is the mental or the […]

5 Ways to Help an Alcoholic Spouse
Categories: Mixed Bag

Alcoholism is an ugly disease that can tear families apart, but you don’t have to let it happen to you. In addition to reading pamphlets and attending AA meetings, here are five other ways to help an alcoholic spouse. 5: Don’t Nag They’re your spouse, not your child, and any attempt to micromanage their life […]

Flavonoids from Fruits and Vegetables Treat Chronic Diseases
Categories: Health

Since the 1980’s scientists have been so interested in the health benefits of flavonoids. It is a polyphenolic compound that is synthesized by plants and the same is sub-divided into sub-classes. Its high anti-oxidant level made flavonoid a good dietary source to strengthen the body’s immunity and prevent the development of chronic diseases. A diet […]

Find Your Spinal Bliss: 5 Natural Remedies To Relieve Back Pain
Categories: Natural Remedies

80% of the population suffers from back pain at some time during their life. For many, it is a chronic problem without a specific cause that can be pinpointed. The American Chiropractic Association estimates that Americans spend $50 billion a year in search of relief. Fortunately there are many ways to prevent and relieve back […]

Dieting May Be More Dangerous Than You Know
Categories: Weight Loss

As the new year approaches many people will make a new year’s resolution to lose weight. Some will begin the latest fad diet. The problem with diets is that they do not work. It is impossible to sustain restriction from a major food group, sustain restricting calories below 2,000 a day, or to continue some […]