Health contains 653 articles
Eat Natural Healthy Food To Lose Weight Naturally
Categories: Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight naturally and (sort of) easily then consider eating only natural healthy food instead of "low fat", "light", "sugar free" or other so-called special foods. Natural and organic food works WITH the body, rather than trying to trick or fool it into giving up the pounds. You may have tried […]

Emotional Freedom Technique: EFT
Categories: Health

I am a huge fan of the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. A recent dynamic EFT movie has come out and it’s called ‘Try It On Everything’. The "it" is, of course, EFT therapy. Why do I love EFT? It’s Free to learn … Easy to do … It works 100% of the time for […]

Mind Talk: Beyond (Way Beyond) Positive Thinking
Categories: Health

We all talk to ourselves throughout the day – in fact, mind talk is inescapable for almost every human being on the planet. I do am not referring to the internal dialogue concerning the day to day tasks that you need to complete. What I am alluding to are the statements you make to yourself […]

What You Should Know About Lyme Disease
Categories: Health

By Pamela Dodd Lyme disease is a tricky bacterial infection, especially if you’ve had it for a long time without knowing it. Early Lyme can produce a bull’s eye rash and flu-like symptoms a week or two after an infected tick bite. Treatment with up to 4 weeks of antibiotics may knock it out.  But […]

Emotional Overeating: An Effective Overeating ‘Treatment’
Categories: Health, Natural Remedies

Emotional overeating is obviously a serious problem these days. If you doubt this, look around you when you're in a crowded area like a mall, restaurant or movie. You will see fat people everywhere, right? And why would anyone take in much more food than their poor body wants or needs if it wasn't for […]

Prosperity Affirmations For Attracting Abundance
Categories: Health

If you have a difficult time attracting abundance and success, then it’s definitely, positively and absolutely time to consider prosperity affirmations. They are an easy tool to help you in your struggle with bad thought habits – and that’s all they are is HABITS. You weren’t born thinking life is tough and you can change […]

Natural Remedies for Depression: How To Cure Depression At Home
Categories: Natural Remedies

Natural remedies for depression are only important to us when we’re feeling pretty darned low or when a loved one or good friend is depressed. And that is everybody, at some time or other in their lives. But the sane and sensible way to handle the blues is to be pre-emptive and live a lifestyle […]

Popular Fad Diets: The Grapefruit Diet Plan
Categories: Weight Loss

The Grapefruit Diet plan is a popular fad diet for many years (although not for me since I HATE grapefruit!) It’s based on some mystical, magical property that grapefruit is supposed to have in relation to dissolving fat. The grapefruit juice diet has been around for 30+ years and is often identified with the famous […]

Popular Fad Diets: The Acai Berry Diet Plan
Categories: Weight Loss

Acai Berry Diet mania began when enormously popular Oprah Winfrey mentioned these Amazonian berries on her TV show. Anything Oprah mentions or endorses becomes popular overnight and it wasn’t long before acai berries began appearing in everything from drinks to ice cream. The acai berry phenomenon has been labeled a fad, but that is simply […]

Popular Fad Diets: The Subway Diet
Categories: Weight Loss

Jared Fogle popularized the Subway Diet when he lost 245 pounds while chowing down on a Subway sandwich, twice each day, almost seven days each week. If we can believe the media buzz on Jared, he was transformed himself from an obese couch potato, weighing 425 pounds to a fit 180 who took daily walks […]